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100 Inspirational Bible Quotes
Famous Proverbs
1] The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts
2] Dead men don’t bite
3] Arms bend inwards – not outwards.
4] When someone gives up a peach, return him a plum
5] Forgiveness is perfect when the sin is not remembered
6] A kind heart loseth nought at last.
7] It is not work that kills but worry
8] The blind man is not afraid of ghosts
9] A good Jack makes a good Jill.
10] Where there is no trust there is no love
11] Anger without power is folly
12] After a dream of a wedding, comes a corpse
13] They that dance must pay the fiddler
14] The voice is the best music
15] If you want a thing well done, do it yourself
16] God (or Providence) is always on the side of big battalions
17] The borrower is servant to the lender
18] To advise someone not to gamble is to win money for him
19] Children have wide ears and long tongues.
20] Nothing succeeds like success
21] He who carries the burden knows the weight of it.
22] One cannot put back the clock
23] The first day a guest, the second day a guest, the third day a calamity
24] It is a blind goose that comes to the fox’s sermon
25] The tide never goes out so far but it always comes in again
26] While there is life, there is hope
27] How forceful are right words
28] Remove an old tree and it will wither to death
29] Cut your coat according to your cloth
30] He that will thrive must rise at five
31] It is all in the day’s work
32] Let not your tongue run at rover
33] Go while the going is good
34] A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country and in his home
35] Poverty is no disgrace but it is a great inconvenience
36] The thief doth fear each bush an offer
37] The absent saint gets no candle
38] God makes the back for the burden
39] Nothing costs so much as what is given us
40] When angry, count a hundred
41] A tree often transplanted, bears not much fruit
42] Think of ease, but work on.
43] Shrimps get broken backs when whales fight
44] If the cap fits, wear it
45] An occasion lost cannot be redeemed
46] Sparrows who emulate peacocks are likely to break a thigh
47] Diseases are the price of ill pleasures
48] He is lifeless that is faultless
49] Help a lame dog over a stile
50] Bold resolution is the favourite of providence
51] Wise men silent, fools talk
52] They bow to you when borrowing; you bow to them when collecting
53] The course of true love never did run smooth
54] A friend in need is a friend indeed
55] One drop of poison infects the whole tun of wine
56] It is not gay coat that makes the gentleman
57] Enough is enough
58] Don’t cast your pearls before swine
59] Every medal has its reverse
60] Though the fox runs, the chicken has wings
61] Knowledge is power
62] Don’t make a mountain out of molehill
63] Diligence is the mother of good fortune
64] Brave actions never want a trumpet.
65] Keep your mouth shut and your ears open
66] When we have gold, we are in fear; when we have none we are in danger
67] He that sings on Friday, will weep on Sunday
68] Love and business teach eloquence
69] Truth conquers all things
70] Wedlock is padlock
71] If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em
72] Love sees no fault
73] Fortune favours those who use their judgement
74] No news is good news
75] Some people will never learn anything because they understand everything too soon.
76] Haste trips up (or over) its own heels
77] The fowler’s pipe sounds sweet till the bird is caught.
78] Slander leaves a sc ore behind it
79] Fields have eyes and woods have ears
80] There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle
81] Ale will make a cat speak
82] Every Jack must have his Jill
83] The lone sheep is in danger of the wolf
84] Health and wealth create beauty
85] A rich man’s joke is always funny
86] Everybody’s business is nobody’s business
87] Tell a lie and stick to it.
88] There are two sides to every question
89] Those who sell dog-meat often display a lamb’s head
90] A small pepper is hotter than a large one
91] Words are but wind, but seeing’s believing
92] Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched
93] The peacock has fair features, but foul feet.
94] He who works before dawn will soon be his own master
95] The cowl does not make the monk.
96] He seems wise with whom all things thrive
97] Misfortunes find their way even on the darkest night
98] A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds
99] Every little helps
100] No land without stones, or meat without bones